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网址:baojies.aou1.cn  2021-08-07  作者:admin    阅读:

Determine the places and standards to be cleaned.
(1)客厅要注意家具及上面摆放的物品要无尘、无污渍、水渍(茶具严禁擦拭),有些家具死角要着重对待,因为平时看不到或是顾不上清洗擦拭的地方,隔段时间就容易落下灰尘。钢制闸门 钢坝 保定轻钢别墅 保定平面设计培训 保定室内设计培训 保定办公家具 保定空调维修
(1) The living room should pay attention to the furniture and the items placed on it should be free of dust, stains and water stains (tea sets are strictly prohibited to be wiped). Some dead corners of furniture should be treated emphatically, because they can't see or care about the places cleaned and wiped at ordinary times, and it is easy to fall dust at intervals.
(2) Pay attention to the internal and external cleaning of the washing machine on the balcony, the wiping of the items placed on the balcony, the cleaning of the ground, and the timely cleaning of sundries.
(3) In the bedroom, pay attention to the mirror brightness of the wardrobe and dressing table, wipe the wardrobe handle (metal), and pay attention to the cleaning and replacement of bedding. At the same time, the easiest place to ignore is the cleaning of the side of the bedside cabinet connected with the bed and the sundries on the surface and under the bed.
(4) All surfaces, countertops and cabinets of the kitchen shall be opened and wiped, and articles shall be placed neatly; The metal handle and range hood shall not be disassembled, and the oil stain on the surface shall not be removed. The wall between the gas stove, range hood and stove, tableware and cooking utensils shall be cleaned.
(5) The toilet, shower glass and sewer sundries in the bathroom shall be cleaned, and the rack, mirror and washstand shall be cleaned and wiped.

